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Quick Fix Natural Hair Products & Routine for Dry Hair

Quick Fix Natural Hair Products & Routine for Dry Hair

Ask any woman the question “What is the single biggest factor that can affect your mood?”, and chances are, most answers will be centered around their hair and skin.

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The 5 Absolute Best Natural Ingredients for Damaged Hair

The 5 Absolute Best Natural Ingredients for Damaged Hair

Walk into any cosmetics store and you’re sure to be bombarded with an onslaught of hair care products that claim to treat damaged hair within days or weeks.

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Avocado Oil Can Work for You

Avocado Oil: How This Annoying Trend Can Work for You

We’re never preachy about “making time for self-care”, because really, busy people literally don’t have time to read that nonsense.

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Rocca Atomic Bomb of Nutrition

Rocca, Rocca! Andale, Andale!

If you remember from your childhood, the enthusiastic and hyperactive cartoon mouse Speedy Gonazales used to shout out in excitement.

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Skin Hydration with Shea Butter

Seal in Hair & Skin Hydration with Shea Butter

It’s an infamous natural ingredient promised to give you smooth, soft, supple skin and gorgeous hair … but hardly anyone knows exactly why or how.
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Oat Milk for Hair

Apparently, You Can Milk Oats Now …. And It’s Great for Your Hair

Becoming more health-conscious has resulted in a dizzying array of choices, choices, choices when it comes to dairy alternatives.
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Cloves Bud for Your Hair & Skin

Cloves: A Calm and Cool Bud for Your Hair & Skin

We all have that one calm and collected friend we rely on to keep us grounded and sane in times of stress, so imagine if we could have that kind of buddy for our hair?

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Smooth Vitamin E Gang Member

Vitamin E: The Smooth and Sexy Vitamin Gang Member

Sunlight, pollution, smoking and (unfortunately) aging. Our hair and skin are subjected to all these factors daily in our Cairene life, and we can’t escape it.

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Combatting the Damage on Frazzled Hair

Combatting the Damage on Frazzled Hair & Split Ends

There are very few things more annoying and disheartening than struggling to do something halfway acceptable with your hair.

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Beat the Heat with Beetroot

Beat the Heat with Beetroot

We tend to overdo it with heat, from both sun exposure and from god forsaken hair styling tools. In a vain attempt to look professional or sexy, we torture our hair...

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Banish Wrinkles with Jojoba Oil

Banish Wrinkles & Seal in Hydration with Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is one of those ingredients we grew up seeing on shampoo and lotion bottles without really understanding what it is. Did it smell good?

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Honey to Moisturize

Oh, Honey! It’s Time to Moisturize

Dry, cracked skin. Not only is it ugly, but also itchy and sometimes painful if you have eczema and psoriasis. With the increase of handwashing and showering...

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